Get Your Free Gift!  "Manifest with Mama Earth" Meditation Series.


Healing, growth & happiness are a mind-body-spirit phenomenon.

One of the basic tenets of yoga is called svādhyāya. It means "self-study" or the art of knowing oneself. 

The Liminal Portal gives you access to do just that, in the altered state of consciousness where you Know Yourself as your Higher or Authentic Self. There are many ways to achieve this liminal state, and yoga is just one of them.

Whether you seek physical fitness, trauma release, communicating with your Spirit Guides, animals, or non-verbal loved ones, or a dose of "mind-blowing" perspective to expand your life, Randi is honored to assist you!

Leap Dive

September 2024

4-weekend Shamanic Retreat, 
Initiation & Immersion

Ceremony ᐧ Nature Spirits ᐧ 
New Quantum-creation Techniques ᐧ 
Yoga ᐧ Breathwork ᐧ Group Healing ᐧ 
Shadow Integration & Self-Love ᐧ 
Shamanic Journeying

Early Bird 
ends July 1!


further discounts for Members


Join our mailing list and enjoy a free gift!  Hop on down to the subscription form and you'll be directed to this meditation series/mini-course on manifestation!


Liminal Healing

Get an expanded view of your healing journey. Channeled guidance and energy work to release old belief systems and trauma that keep you from feeling your full self. Specific instructions to help your body repair any physical ailment. 12-strand DNA upgrade available if you're ready!

$165-220. Discount for EarthHeart Healing & Liminal Yoga Members

Liminal Yoga

Join our thriving Liminal Yoga community for live Zoom classes or if you're local to WNC, for in-person at Randi's home in Weaverville or at the park! 

$12-$20Class prices range from  each depending on the frequency of which you attend and if you have a Liminal Yoga or EarthHeart Healing Membership.

EarthHeart Healing

EarthHeart Healing works from the inside out. My Healing Body includes a unique reading of your body's optimal foods. To assist cellular regeneration from an illness, or simply to have more energy as you are naturally designed, we supplement healing with the EarthHeart Healing online Community. This includes movement practice, emotional and trauma release work, cooking tips, and community support from others who are also on this journey! My Healing Body Mini-Reading also available to try out before the big commitment to completely change your life!

Starting at $35/month. Package prices available. 


Soul Talks

For our loved ones that don't/no longer communicate clearly. If your animal companion is distressed, sick or near death, Randi can tune into their wishes. If your loved one is beyond physical expression, she can connect your soul to their soul. This can be done in-person/animal if you are local to WNC or remotely.

$75-100. Discount for EarthHeart Healing & Liminal Yoga Members



Meditation & Breathwork

Join us for 35 minutes to ground, breathe and meditate. Start your day connected to your multidimensional nature, start your day truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Brain-enhancing exercises, activations, releases, visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing, expansion, and center of ease.

FREE! M-F from 8-9am ET via Zoom.

Expanded Perspective


Randi Janelle channels her soul essence Vyrrlah–an expanded perspective that focuses on the evolution of humankind and the establishment of the New Earth.

Join us monthly for live, online gatherings for mini-workshops and Q&A sessions--to explore the Multiverse that is YOU and Embody New Earth!

2nd Sunday 4-6pm ET and 4th Monday 7-9pm ET alternating

$20 drop in or FREE for EarthHeart Healing Members!


Shamanic Journeying

Exploring our consciousness and fostering relationships with our guides in the lower world, upper world, and middle worlds. Traveling in the tradition of Core Shamanism via sound. The live drum beat encourages the theta brain wave state–the liminal state of consciousness–to encourage insight and deep healing.

$20-30. In-person sessions hosted at The Well, Asheville, NC twice a month.

Appalachian Healing Collective

Join us for an opportunity to give of your gifts along with a group to another, and then receive the menagerie offered you! Practice asking for what you want and need and trusting that the collective efforts will heal/launch you into an never-before-felt-experience of group focus…on loving YOU!

Co-creative collab with Wolfgang Ettenreich of The Luminous Now and Keren Genaro of The Well.

$30-60. In-person sessions hosted at The Well, Asheville, NC once a month.



I find myself at home in Liminal Space. I've been a channel all my life--whether it's writing stories for characters that exist in another dimension, pulling poetry from the heart of mass consciousness to perform on stage, or the flow of lifeforce through our bodies and multidimensional being. Every session is a "coming home" to co-creation and connection, as I am you and you are me. Every session creates an opportunity for community, play, and humility for the Great Mystery of who We Are!


for portions from our channeled workshops and gatherings. Connect to your chakras, Mama Earth, the Moon, celestial objects--expand your consciousness! New Earth manifestation techniques. Meditation and Breathwork videos to enhance your brain and calm the body.


Create in a Grounded, Sustainable Way

Mama Earth is wildly abundant, and moves in her own sweet timing.

In this 4-part meditation series, you'll deepen your manifestation practice with the gifts of the seasons: the unknown, the becoming, the ripening, and the letting go.

Complete with weekly mantras/affirmations and journal prompts, you'll cultivate more patience, observation, and connection to your body and our luscious planet.
Be guided by your FEELINGS.
Work with alternate timelines as ALL THINGS are manifested through you.
Learn to "track" the timeline you've chosen.

Enjoy the exhilaration of being a very active participant in creating your life...perhaps to the next, expanded level!

Simply subscribe to our newletter and you'll be directed to this meditation series/mini-course on manifestation!


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or would like to collaborate in some way. We grow together!

+1 (831) 588 1275