Exploring our consciousness and fostering relationships with our guides in the lower world, upper world, and middle worlds. Traveling in the tradition of Core Shamanism via sound. The live drum beat encourages the theta brain wave state–the liminal state of consciousness. Theta brain waves often occur when we’re going to sleep or waking up, dreaming, and when we’re meditating or deeply relaxed. This brain state is a gateway to dimensions of consciousness where we can meet and receive guidance from our power animals and teachers, where we can experience healing and discover more of our truth. Sharing and/or listening to another person’s experience in the circle provides grounding, integration and grows our incredible, supportive community!
Feel free to bring a hand drum and learn to drum while journeying if you haven’t already!
Snacks are provided for grounding and fellowship afterwards.
We journey to a diversity of themes and advancing practices. To see what’s up for the next one, check out our Events Calendar.
No previous experience of shamanic journeying necessary.
BRING: a blanket and eye pillow for journeying and a journal to capture insights. You’re welcome to bring a drum or any portable instrument that calls to you and a crystal to charge/clear on the altar and/or to journey with.
WHEN: Second and fourth Wednesdays of the month (beginning May 29)
*PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to come early arrive from 6:15, get settled, grab an instrument (or bring your own!) and join us for a jam. We will wrap up the music and begin our practice promptly at 6:30pm
We typically enjoy a “closing ceremony” with Light Alignment–a combination of energy work and community support/magic. Sometimes this runs over, so the event may end anywhen from 8:30-9pm.
For specific dates, you can find these events and others on our Events Calendar. Space is limited, so please RSVP to randi.janelle@gmail.com. There is usually a waiting list–staying in touch about your RSVP is very helpful!
WHERE: The Well. 3 Louisiana Ave, Asheville, NC 28806
Park behind the building by turning left on Louisiana before the light, or off Haywood. Entrance is up the ramp if you park here. Otherwise, park at the Ingles and if the front door is locked (the one with the mural), then walk around and come in from the ramp behind the building.
HOW MUCH: $20-30 Go here to check out online payment options.

Images thanks to our community member Claire. If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur, her Inspired Stock photography is AMAZING and may be just the thing for you!
Randi is available for private Liminal Healing sessions, where she can do a Soul Retrieval or other shamanic practices to assist you in your growth, stability, ease, and freedom!
Randi was trained by Gail Gulick in the Core and Celtic Shamanism traditions and enjoyed Gail’s shamanic journey circle for several years. She’s forever grateful to Gail and the lifelong friends she made at this circle. If you’re interested in attending Gail’s weekly virtual circle, please check it out!
I’m so thankful my life’s path led me to Randi Janelle and her transformative Shamanic Journey session. I had a profound awakening 7 months ago, and I have been searching for answers to help me process what happened ever since. Randi helped me do just that. While listening to the soothing sound of her drumming, I journeyed safely to both the lower and upper realms, where I met my power animal and my angel family. I was assured that all is well here and that we are loved beyond measure. I really appreciated how safe I felt the entire time, enough so that I was able to release my fears and anxieties by crying and laughing and finally by settling into the loving arms of just being.
If you’re searching for answers, this is one journey you’re going to want to take. Your body, your mind, and your soul will thank you.

These powerful journeys have provided me deep access to connect and communicate with my self and…some…thing much deeper than I could have imagined possible. It is a portal, to the Within, and to the Beyond, via deep surrender and trust in the Self, the Unconscious, and the Cosmos. Randi holds a potent, warm and open space. All-of-us feels welcome, and that’s where the healing begins.

Randi’s energy is so welcoming, she truly is a treasure. As a newbie at Shamanic Journeying I was able to discover my spirit animals and journey into other worlds. When I felt stuck in the Upper World, I reached out for help and she helped me feel safe to come back. The most epic yet was meeting the “Bone Mother” where I got to experience and play with the beauty of life and death. I am so honored to be part of her circle and to have her guidance into the unknown.