lim·i·nal : occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.
Liminal Illumination: Remembering & Attuning to the Entirety of You
What is Liminal Yoga?
Healing practices that align and harmonize us to our subtle body and soul perspective. Resting at that threshold of subliminal and supraliminal consciousness to recollect our inner wisdom, sovereignty, endless life force & love!
We offer online classes and special in-person events in the Asheville, NC area.

Ready to Get Started?
Whether you’re an enthusiast of the healing arts, or you’re looking for a way to keep your mind and body active and engaged, Liminal Yoga offers an expansion to your practice.
Expand Yourself with Our Expanded Offerings and Communities!
EarthHeart Healing
Thrive through your body's intelligence with a My Healing Body reading and learn what foods it wants to regenerate. Be supported in our Online Community.
Liminal Healing
Release trauma and old belief systems through Liminal Healing (and upgrade your DNA!) and steady your life course through a Growth Session.
Soul Talks
Connect with your pet or loved one in distress or transition about their soul's wishes with a Soul Talk.
Join our in-person community gatherings!
Shamanic Journeying
Visit the Lower, Upper and Middle worlds to meet your power animals, teachers and other guides! Traveling in the tradition of Core Shamanism via drum beat. Learn more!
Group Channeling
Contribute to channeled information with your Higher/Authentic Soul and ask questions! Explore with an exercise in consciousness to integrate, share, and evolve! Learn more.
Yoga in the Park
Join us at Weaverville's Main St Nature Park for yoga alongside humming nature! Look for these events in our Event Calendar.

Randi Janelle, Founder
Hello! I’m grateful for your curiosity and connection. I offer and facilitate classes and gatherings with the understanding that your inherent wisdom is the greatest of teachers. I enjoy living and serving my community with lila “divine play”. Looking forward to the pleasure of our next connection!

Ways to Practice
Meditation & Breathwork
Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease.
FREE virtual sitting Mon-Fri 8:10-8:45 via Zoom.
Asana Practice
Traditional breath, postures and intentions designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned, and with a good dose of surrender to the majesty of the body, mind & Spirit!
Regular class held Mondays & Wednesdays 9-10:15am via Zoom.
Restorative Yoga
Accessible to most–standing or rooted with the back to the ground–there are plenty of gentle opportunities to enter into that happy, body-melting love state we call “the yoga glow.” Using Earth energy to release, ground, and be cradled–you’ll enjoy a wonderful day and weekend ahead.
**Please contact me if you’d like to participate in this class but need to practice from a chair.**
Regular class held Fridays 9-10:15am via Zoom.
Light Alignment
We use sacred geometry, mudras, and our open third eyes to flow through spontaneous asanas. Creating shapes and containers within the group. This encourages a real remembering of our Subtle/Energetic Body so that we can truly sense and enjoy the light and energy that we are comprised of! It can be a quicker flow than asana practice, and brought forth with mindfulness to the physical accessibility of the participants.
This practice is available for private or group sessions.
Please check our Events Calendar for special classes that occur during this regular rotation!
From the Hearts & Minds of Liminal Yogis
My Morning Breathwork and Meditation “Energizer” with Randi helps me set
a positive tone for the whole day. It teaches me to breathe through any obstacle, and
it serves as holistic medicine for my body and spirit.Our meditation time grounds my Self through stillness, and expands my
awareness and sense of the Present.In sum, Morning Breathwork and Meditation helps me by offering new ways
to grow in simple, basic life practices. Randi’s innovative, welcoming, and all-
inclusive ways, filled with fun and humor, are a welcome start to each day. I highly
recommend joining us!Paul Peterson -
Randi’s yoga sessions are not your regular kind of yoga classes! Not only does she make me feel special, but through her wonderful style and exercises I experience such an immediate connection to the Universe that is so peaceful, so rewarding! My gratitude Randi!
Gabriele Stobbe -
Thank you for the safe space you provide all of us to speak our truth and receive whatever it is we need to hear, from your guided wisdom and the healing love we are creating each time we meet.
I appreciate and know your healing capabilities, and speak now to your ability to bring awareness in all of us to heal ourselves. You are a gift of powerful and divine proportions as we “All” are to ourselves.
Bonnie Pato -
I have been taking yoga classes with Randi since July 2016 and I hope to continue to do so for many years to come.
Randi’s innate optimism, enthusiasm, warmth and kindness have helped her to create a tightly knit community of deeply loyal students who will follow her anywhere. She knows her yoga craft intimately, which allows her to be creative and open to new angles and ways of teaching, depending upon the energy of any given group on any given day.
She also pursues her own yoga practice diligently and walks her talk authentically. I recommend her highly to anyone looking to become part of a warm, caring, growth-promoting yoga community.
Rebecca Merrill -
Randi’s classes have re-inspired my love for yoga. Even though I have been a long time yogini and a teacher myself, over the last years my practice had dried up and become stale, and my body stiff and uninspired. With Randi’s bountiful energy and love of all aspects of yoga, she has helped me rekindle my own passion for the practice. The way she creates community by helping everyone feel seen, held and acknowledged, and the way she tailors the practice to bring everyone into a deeper alignment with themselves and each other is masterful. Her classes have the perfect balance of dynamic and restorative poses and I love the way she weaves the yoga philosophy and awareness of the subtle body into the practice. The gentle way she guides us into savasana nourishes me on a deep level and I always leave the class feeling more aligned, integrated, relaxed, resourced and alive. Thank you Randi!
Rajyo Allen -
Randi is a natural teacher, team builder, and astounding yogi. While she never promised “easy,” she provided essential coaching, encouragement, and compassion as I embarked on my yoga journey. I remain very much on the path of this journey and it is fair to say that I never would have been able to continue without Randi leading the way. The process, always a challenge and demanding, is highly rewarding and offers the limitless synergy and love of our community. I feel fortunate to have found this incredible opportunity for wellness and friendship.
Patricia Gonzalez -
Radiant Randi,
All of my heart & soul has come alive in ways I never have experienced before joining in with the love & light you shine so bright and cultivate & activate in our community of yogis. I have been nourished & fortified and am deeply grateful for you–your gifts & mastery.
Abundant Love,
Ann Marie Stuart -
I have always admired people lucky enough to find a club of kindred spirits, or a passion for a certain hobby or sport in their life. I never found such a place for myself until I walked into Randi’s yoga class a few years ago. It is her amazing depth of knowledge and ability to inspire and teach all levels that made me feel so welcome and able to begin a yoga practice where I was. I quickly learned that not only the body, but the mind and Spirit would come into my practice with Randi’s meditations and guided imageries. Our community of kindred spirits in class have become the icing on the cake for me, and I know we all agree that we are extremely blessed to have our amazing Randi to lead and share this inspired path of body, mind and Spirit moving upward and onward together! Om love!
Carolyn Heidemann -
To take yoga classes from Randi Janelle is to be immersed in all eight limbs of yoga, Patanjali’s “eight-fold path.” Besides offering exquisitely precise instruction in the poses, Randi laces her classes with wisdom from yoga philosophy – arguably the more important and transformative part of the practice of yoga. You might not achieve Samadhi (pure bliss or enlightenment) in Randi’s class, but you’ll have so much fun, and gain so much strength and flexibility, you’ll think you have.
Peggy Weaver
Learn More About the Adventure of Yoga!
109 Sun Salutations!
20 Apr , 2021On April 19, 2021, a few of us gathered virtually to attempt 108 or 109 Sun Salutation As. Why would one do this? you ask. 108 is a sacred number
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