Appalachian Healing Collective!

Healing happens whether we are offering it or receiving it!

Join us for these special events in which we gather and focus our healing intentions and modalities on one or two people at a time within a group dynamic/intelligence. Whether you offer instrumental sound, reiki, laying of the hands, song, voice/mantra/affirmations, or simply presence–you are the gift of healing someone needs or even requests! And in turn, you will receive what you need from the menagerie of gifts that appear for a minimum of twenty minutes.

As healers, many of us loveLoveLOVE to offer our gifts. Oftentimes, we don’t get or think to receive in turn. This is a profound opportunity to do both, while sinking/synching into sound, community, presence, and the ultimate unraveling of the Unknown!

We have instruments that you are welcome to play such as crystal bowls, drums, handpans, rainsticks, etc.

We end with fellowship over some snacks. Bring some to share if you’re inspired and it’s easy.

No previous healer/musical experience necessary.

From the time I moved to Asheville in 2018, I have wanted participate in some kind of regular healing circle. Somehow I never found the right people for this…until meeting Randi and Wolfgang!

While they have been building their collective for some time, last month was the first one that we hosted at our place, The Well. It was easily one of my favorite events that has happened here, and felt like one of the most powerful (which is saying a lot.) Randi and Wolfgang are both gifted healers, and also do much to facilitate a circle that brings out everyone’s innate healing gifts. I love that there are so many paths to healing represented in the circle—energy work, therapeutic touch, music and sound, song, light language, crystals, oracle decks, anointing oils, channeling…pretty much anything well-intentioned that you want to bring to the table is welcome and it’s a safe place to really go out there in a way that is not always easy if you are used to working with clients who have expectations for their sessions (“I just want a good deep tissue massage, nothing woo woo.”)

It was fascinating how easily and wordlessly the energy flowed where it needed to go. When I was receiving healing, I had a deep knot around my left ovary that has been there for years release in a dramatic way and a month later it still is healed. 

If you have a desire to heal others but lack the experience or credentials to feel confident in calling yourself a “healer,” you will amaze yourself at what you are capable of and how great it feels.

If you are a burnt out healer, you will walk away inspired.

If you love working with others but want to push your capabilities, this is your opportunity to reach for the stars…

If you are in need of healing on any level, this is for you—come out and be open to the miraculous! 

-Keren, Healer & Proprietor of The Well


There has been a long accepted idea that to be an accomplished healer, one needs to study/master a modality for a long time with an established teacher, practice often on “clients”, etc.

This space we are establishing together seeks to challenge this idea. We acknowledge lineage and established healing practices, as well as the gift of intuitive holding of another.

No matter how much experience you have or the title that you hold as “healer”–we are all tuning into a Divine Flow or Grace that leads us, both individually and as a group.

We ask for a monetary exchange for this longer event because we must pay rent for the space, ourselves for our time leading and holding the group, marketing, set up/breakdown, supplying instruments and other healing accoutrements, and there are at least two of us facilitators. This is how we make our living.

What you receive will be equal or more to what you give. In the act of connecting to the Group Spirit, what you benefit from in the moment of giving and receiving is priceless.

If this does not resonate with you, this event is probably not one for you at this time. We love and accept you for that!

Wow! Experimental play, multi-sensory, multidimensional, intuitive energy and sound magic healing.” -Lauren

Hosted by Randi Janelle of Liminal Yoga and EarthHeart Healing and Wolfgang Ettenreich of The Luminous Now and Sound Voyagers.

BRING: preferred instruments and/or healing tools, a journal if you’d like to capture insights, and a water bottle. Snacks/food to share.

WHEN: Third Fridays of the month. 6:30-9:30pm

WHERE: The Well. 3 Louisianna Ave, Asheville NC 28806

Park behind the building by turning left on Louisiana before the light, or off Haywood. Entrance is up the ramp if you park here. Otherwise, park at the Ingles and if the front door is locked (the one with the mural), then walk around and come in from the ramp behind the building.

HOW MUCH: $30-60

Register here with options for payment.

We look forward to connecting and healing with you!


Randi did it again, with Wolfgang–a wonderful sound healing facilitator–offering a unique and richly magical experience to go deep into giving and receiving healing energy of the beautiful gifts of the group.”


“Randi and Wolfgang gave us a wonderful opportunity as healers to both share our gifts and find balance by remembering how to heal. We took turns being healed by others and we became a HARMONIOUS VILLAGE as a result. Music, singing, gems, healing touch, affirmations–I soaked it all in and got healed. I’d do it again in a harmonious heartbeat!”
