

Expand the Brea(d)th of Your Being

A Soul Braid

occurs when a higher octave of your soul becomes embodied.

This phenomenon is similar to a walk-in and can be done very intentionally through the liminal realms.

This initiation invites the Soul Braiding process as you are ready and willing.

This is not just a workshop.
This is not just a retreat.
This is an initiation.
This is an immersion into the




Fridays: 6pm - 9pm
Saturdays: All day
Sundays: 10am - 4pm


Terra Nova Center
Cedar Mountain, NC



Early Bird:
Register by July 1!

What is Shamanism?
What is a Quantum Leap?

This retreat was initially called "Eternal Summer of Energy"

and then renamed because it requires a Leap into a New You,
and then a Dive into what clears the way and grounds you into this New Paradigm of You.

Access your Eternal Summer of Energy which gives you inspiration, vitality, direction, focus, allowing, FLOW and the entire Multiverse supporting you in your Soul's Service!

I'm ready. This is what I've been waiting for.

Take a Quantum Leap!
Make it everyday real
by diving into YOUR Shamanic Lifestyle.

  • Learn to intentionally create your life through the quantum realms.
  • Feel better in your body. Access latent energy sources!
  • Accept, integrate, and LOVE the darkness in you.
  • Connect to the Nature Spirits like never before.
  • Shift into the next paradigm of understanding, freedom, indescribable connection and fulfillment.
  • Dive deeper into your purpose in service to yourself and to ALL!

Held on Sacred Land alongside the DuPont State Forest

About an hour or so from Asheville, NC--the Nature Spirits at Terra Nova are alive and accessible to those who are ready to meet them. We will be working with the rhythms and timing of Mama Earth, returning to them over the course of the month, and integrating their magic into our daily lives.

Weekend 1

Waxing Crescent Harvest Moon: Seeding 

  • Shamanic journeying to focus your destination to LEAP
  • Yoga, breathwork, and meditation
  • Chanting, singing, and communing with the Element Water
  • Collective healing event

Weekend 2

Full Harvest Moon & Lunar Eclipse: Ripening

  • Shamanic journeying to LEAP timelines
  • Yoga, breathwork, and meditation
  • Chanting, singing, and communing with the Element Earth
  • Plant medicine ceremony for self-love and celebration!

Weekend 3

Waning Harvest Moon & Autumnal Equinox:

  • Creation technique harnessing BIG EMOTIONS
  • Yoga, breathwork, and meditation
  • Chanting, singing, and communing with the Element Fire
  • Sacred Fire ceremony for letting go of antiquated parts of you

Weekend 4

New Ducks Fly Moon & Solar Eclipse:
New Earth & New You

  • Tracking the arrival of physical manifestations
  • Yoga, breathwork, and meditation
  • Chanting, singing, and communing with the Element Air
  • Plant medicine ceremony for synching even more into Service

Why Four Weekends?

I had never heard of a retreat/workshop done in this timing. And yet, Guidance was insistent that it be done this way. Why?

To truly experience an initiation, one must go through an uncomfortable/difficult experience. This timing challenges our ideas of what's possible:

What can I actually put aside to dedicate to myself?

Am I able to return home between weekends and after the experience and bring everything I've learned and integrated into my daily life?

As you commit, you'll find the answer is YES and everything begins to fall into place. Even if that's saying NO where you were previously unable to. 

After an immersion of this magnitude, daily life will change. The intention and integrity around your growth and understanding will shift every aspect of your life. You will be living your soul braid, your new paradigm, your New Earth.

Freedom, ease, empowerment, love, acceptance, healing, compassion--whatever feelings and core values in which you seed your New and Whole Self!

Lodging Options!

  • Book a shared room at The Hideaway $120 per night, sleeps 5. $50 cleaning fee per weekend.*
  • Book a private room at The Hideaway $120 per night. $50 cleaning fee per weekend.
  • Camp! $25/night per tent (up to two people per tent) Bath house with hot showers.

20% deposit is due at the time of booking to hold a room at The Hideaway.

Please book lodging directly with Terra Nova at info@terranovacenter.org or (828) 862 - 5909

Learn more about accommodations/rooms at The Hideaway here.

*$34/night if you share a room with 4 others. Please indicate your interest to share in the registration form and we will connect you with others who have the same interest.

Food & Drink

Bring your own food and drink. The Hideaway has a full kitchen if you feel like cooking there. Shared potluck on Saturday nights as you feel inspired!

Enjoy All Terra Nova Has to Offer

Your stay at Terra Nova includes access to the expansive grounds to
swim, kayak or canoe at the lake
hike the trails
visit and integrate at the labyrinth and gardens
as well as special rarely visited spots on the land for our sacred communion
with ourselves and Mama Earth!


Who do I want to be or how do I want to feel in a number of months or years from now?

Most often change happens gradually, with us working ourselves towards something different, slowly over time. But can we actually step right into the one which has already changed -the way we are envisioning it- in the future? Randi’s shamanic journey to shift timelines gave me an answer to this question in a very experiential way.

Now, after taking this leap, I am so much faster to recognize and resolve any old patterns still around, linking me to my old self. What makes this so powerful is the fact that you are living within the new paradigm already. It is the fuel to deal with anything still in the way to fully arrive in the new you vs operating from the old self and trying to figure out what's in the way of getting there.


Healing Arts

We are both open-eyed (waking) and closed-eyed dreaming (sleeping). The more we embrace the liminal threshold between our human/physical self and non-physical self, the more we can access our clarity, wisdom & guidance in many other realms in which we not only exist, but thrive.

This song (video below) reminds us that it is ultimate you who are creating/leading this epic discovery into the endless depths of who you are and what inspires you to DREAM.

"Only I can know
exactly what I'm waiting for."

Yes, you will learn never-taught-before techniques to expand and create your life (they are channeled/downloads from higher dimensions!)

But please note, this is not an initiation in a particular tradition. This is very much a collaboration with Mama Earth and your Higher/Expanded Power & Self. What you walk away with will be wholly new, as you are willing to surrender to another echelon of YOU in your Soul Braid.

About the Healer Hostess

Randi Janelle

"I just wanted to really acknowledge you Randi Janelle for being such a beautiful example of leadership, empowerment, facing those fears with utter excitement and joy! You truly are amazing! And a shining example to guide us!"


Akashic Records Reader

Randi Janelle has been described as "an amazing combination of magical and grounded."

Her passion is healing and expansion. She has dedicated the past 10 years to her own evolution, and it has manifested in offering shamanic practices, yoga, channeling, unique creation techniques, food readings, and community building and support.

Her joy is infectious and enthusiasm, encouraging.

"In the allegory of the cave, you are the bright, beautiful Mother Earth that those of us coming out of the cave are blinded by at first. Once our eyes (all three of them) adjust to the light, you are there to love us & welcome us home, and let us know everything is going to be okay. Once we're nourished, you equip us with the flashlights we need for our souls to go back into the cave and shine our lights. Thank you for being you! 💗"


Podcast Host & Teacher

On behalf of myself, and those who are committing to this incredible experience, we are very much looking forward to connecting to and witnessing the beauty and transparency of your Soul Braiding!




Want more information before committing? 

Join our email list and learn more about this immersion and other local and online events that we host.