Join us at Randi’s home to tune into evolutionary group consciousness!
Randi channels her soul essence Vyrrlah–which is a group consciousness in itself–and invites your Higher/Authentic Soul to contribute to the channeled information. The format is usually that of a mini-workshop: After an introduction, we welcome your questions. After a break, there is an exercise in consciousness to explore and integrate: such as alternate/parallel lives exploration, dreamwork, communing with your cosmic heritage, etc–often with partner work. Then we finish the session with sharing.
BRING: a journal if you’d like to capture insights and a water bottle.
WHEN: First Fridays of the month. 6:30-8:30pm. For specifics, you can find these events and others on our Events Calendar. Space is limited, so please RSVP to
WHERE: Hubbub Haven. 36 S College St, Weaverville NC
HOW MUCH: $10-20 Go here to check out online payment options.
Check out audio of Vyrrlah channeling from our previous Group Channeling sessions!
Randi is available for private Liminal Healing sessions, where she brings her channeling abilities to what is asking to shift in your mind-body-energy field complex to assist you in your growth, stability, ease, and freedom!
Randi has been a channel all her life–first channeling art, novels, and poetry. In 2016 she began channeling star beings that offered a positive evolutionary path for humanity’s awakening. She now channels Benevolent Spirit in meditation and yoga, Sacred Geometry in Light Alignment, Gaia for the body’s optimal health and personal and group-conscious guidance.
I had a wonderful and inspiring experience in Randi’s channeling that has been life changing! Through her channeled voice, I was given the instruction that, because all timelines are happening simultaneously, I could use a healthy version of myself to heal my current self, and my current self to offer healing to my past self. This has been a very effective method of healing for me, and I have shared it with many others. I am so grateful for this channeling experience I had with Randi, and I highly recommend a visit with her and her guides!

Regarding a Group Channeling session on Abundance:
It was really powerful.

I’ve attended each one of Randi Janelle’s Group Channeling events, and each one has been a most rewarding adventure. In fact, I never know beforehand what’s going to take place until it’s revealed, via Randi’s unique organic flow of channeled insights and simple realization exercises.
The result? New personal insights and growth–every time. I’m grateful that I come away with expanded personal and interactive awareness; sometimes it’s even cathartic in its profoundness.
This all takes place in a friendly, intimate small group setting, so another takeaway is our shared experiences in creating a new “village of empathy” at each session.
I invite you come and see for your Self.

I had a powerful, synchronous, and relevant experience at Randi’s Group Channeling workshop. I’m still thinking about / opening with the energies and future-potential concepts that she transmissed that night. And also opened me up to deepen my personal practice in really meaningful ways.