Meditation & Breathwork: Re-genesis (ONLINE ONLY)

Regenerating with soothing, channeled sounds from Tom Kenyon. If you're feeling adventurous, you might actually place yourself in an Arcturian Re-genesis chamber as we receive vitality and renewal through their

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice


Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice


Meditation & Breathwork: Re-genesis (ONLINE ONLY)

Regenerating with soothing, channeled sounds from Tom Kenyon. If you're feeling adventurous, you might actually place yourself in an Arcturian Re-genesis chamber as we receive vitality and renewal through their

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork: Re-genesis (ONLINE ONLY)

Regenerating with soothing, channeled sounds from Tom Kenyon. If you're feeling adventurous, you might actually place yourself in an Arcturian Re-genesis chamber as we receive vitality and renewal through their

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Shamanic Journey Circle: New Year Creation Mojo! 🎆

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

In this special journey, we'll be combining quantum timeline shifting with the wisdom of our Other World guides and selves. "Pop" into a new timeline and start the New Year with clarity

$20 – $30

New Moon Medicine Wheel Meditation: Earth Renewal

Join us as we tune into the Medicine Wheel as presented by Sun Bear and Wabun. With each lunar cycle, the Earth Astrology corresponds with Western astrology, with precious additions

FREE! Donations accepted. :)