Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Traditional breath, postures and intentions designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned,


New Moon Practice in the Park! (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Main Street Nature Park, Weaverville 25 US-19 BUS, Weaverville, NC, United States

We will lavish in the self-care aspects of restorative yoga, the New Moon, close proximity to Mama Earth, and Leo's self-assuring, playful nature! What a combo!! A mix of styles--Restorative


Meditation & Breathwork: Triple Conjunction! (ONLINE ONLY)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Tuning into the astrological offerings of the alignment of three celestial bodies and aspect: Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. This is a once-in-a-lifetime alignment that is giving

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Triple Conjunction Practice! (ONLINE ONLY)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Tuning into the astrological offerings of the alignment of three celestial bodies and aspect: Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. This is a once-in-a-lifetime alignment that is giving



Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Traditional breath, postures and intentions designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned,
