Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice


Channeling Gathering: Q&A Yay! (ONLINE ONLY)

Randi Janelle channels her soul essence Vyrrlah--an expanded perspective that focuses on the evolution of humankind and the establishment of the New Earth. Vyrrlah is a group consciousness in itself–and invites


Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE ONLY)

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques and chanting from yoga to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice


Full Moon Practice! (ONLINE ONLY)

Celebrating and honoring the Full Moon in Capricorn (known as the Buck Moon*) and all the energy and wisdom she brings. More details to come! A mix of styles--Asana Practice


Asana Practice: Siddhasana (ONLINE ONLY)

As an extension of our 5 Diaphragms of the Body: The Pelvic Floor special series, we will learn/practice siddhasana or "accomplished pose"--which brings awareness and healing to the reproductive tissues! Check out
