Restorative Yoga & Reiki (ONLINE ONLY)

Join us in an exploration of Reiki symbols: can you feel the energy behind the symbol? How does it enhance your yoga practice, your well-being? In this class we will


Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice


Channeling Gathering: Q&A Yay! (ONLINE ONLY)

Randi Janelle channels her soul essence Vyrrlah--an expanded perspective that focuses on the evolution of humankind and the establishment of the New Earth. Vyrrlah is a group consciousness in itself–and invites


Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice


Full Moon Practice! (ONLINE ONLY)

Celebrating and honoring the Full Moon in Capricorn (known as the Buck Moon*) and all the energy and wisdom she brings. More details to come! A mix of styles--Asana Practice


Asana Practice: Siddhasana (ONLINE ONLY)

As an extension of our 5 Diaphragms of the Body: The Pelvic Floor special series, we will learn/practice siddhasana or "accomplished pose"--which brings awareness and healing to the reproductive tissues! Check out


Restorative Yoga & Reiki (ONLINE ONLY)

Join us in an exploration of Reiki symbols: can you feel the energy behind the symbol? How does it enhance your yoga practice, your well-being? In this class we will
