Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

Traditional breath, postures and intentions designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned, and with a good dose of surrender to the majesty of the body, mind & Spirit! Virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of class also


Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available if you are not able to join during the

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available if you are not able to join during the

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Restorative Yoga (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

A way to wind down from the week and refresh yourself for the weekend. This practice is accessible for all and has an option to do yoga in a chair. Inhale, exhale...ahhhh! Virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of class also available if you are not able to join during class time. Let me know


Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available if you are not able to join during the

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Full Moon Practice (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

This Full Moon in Libra invites us to dig deep into those buried traumas and make them allies. Particularly around relationships, money and/or the feminine. We are all brightly shining Venus! A mix of styles--yoga and light alignment. Virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of class also available if you are not able to join


Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. This session is led by the amazing Rebecca Ash! Recording of the meditation is also available

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available if you are not able to join during the

FREE! Donations accepted. :)


Healing Heroes House Weaverville, NC

Traditional breath, postures and intentions designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned, and with a good dose of surrender to the majesty of the body, mind & Spirit! Virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of class also


Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available if you are not able to join during the

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

35 minutes to ground, breathe, and meditate. To start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Visualizations and tips to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. FREE virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available if you are not able to join during the

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Restorative Yoga (ONLINE ONLY)

Accessible to most--standing or rooted with the back to the ground--there are plenty of gentle opportunities to enter into that happy, body-melting love state we call "the yoga glow." Using Earth energy to release, ground, and be cradled--you'll enjoy a wonderful day and weekend ahead. Virtual class available on Zoom. Recording of class also available if you are
