Meditation & Breathwork: Sacred Geometry Practice

Practicing geometric meditations and visualizations from The Hathors and Arcturians--interdimensional beings channeled by Tom Kenyon. The practice can shift your neural pathways for more grace, ease, clarity and abundance and in your life, as well as access to the nurturing subtle realms. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) and chanting techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Asana Practice

Breath-centric postures and sequences designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or as the Ashtangis say “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned, and with a good dose of surrender to the majesty of the body, mind & Spirit! Check out more details about Asana

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Shamanic Journey Circle: Winter’s Cave

The Well 3 Louisiana Ave, Asheville, NC, United States

Have you been introduced to your Winter's Cave? This is a space in another world specifically dedicated to your rest, rejuvenation, and deep nourishment. Find your cave, meet your guides who help hold this space for/with you, and simplify to your Essential Self with this gift of Winter! Exploring our consciousness and meeting our guides

$20 – $30

Restorative Yoga

Accessible to most--standing or rooted with the back to the ground--there are plenty of gentle opportunities to enter into that happy, body-melting love state we call "the yoga glow." Using Earth energy to release, ground, and be cradled--you'll enjoy a wonderful day and weekend ahead. Check out more details about Restorative Yoga. Join us virtually on Zoom. Contact


Yoga Class: Rebuilding from the Inside Out

Samasati Sanctuary 1700 New Stock Rd, Weaverville, NC, United States

This is a special in-person practice inspired by the impact of Helene on our WNC home. Whether it is rebuilding your home or finding a new one, harvesting gifts and blessings and integrating changes from the Storm, this practice focuses on the rejuvenation of the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies to ground deeper into


Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Golden Lake

Are you already intrigued by Eastern practices--Vedic (yoga), Buddhist, Tantric, etc? According to the teacher in our latest book study The Prism of Lyra (also by Lyssa Royal-Holt), these traditions were seeded by races from the star system of Vega, or called "Vegan Mysticism." The Golden Lake continues to expand on these teachings as they

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Golden Lake

Are you already intrigued by Eastern practices--Vedic (yoga), Buddhist, Tantric, etc? According to the teacher in our latest book study The Prism of Lyra (also by Lyssa Royal-Holt), these traditions were seeded by races from the star system of Vega, or called "Vegan Mysticism." The Golden Lake continues to expand on these teachings as they

FREE! Donations Accepted :)

Meditation & Breathwork: Sacred Geometry Practice

Practicing geometric meditations and visualizations from The Hathors and Arcturians--interdimensional beings channeled by Tom Kenyon. The practice can shift your neural pathways for more grace, ease, clarity and abundance and in your life, as well as access to the nurturing subtle realms. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) and chanting techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Golden Lake

Are you already intrigued by Eastern practices--Vedic (yoga), Buddhist, Tantric, etc? According to the teacher in our latest book study The Prism of Lyra (also by Lyssa Royal-Holt), these traditions were seeded by races from the star system of Vega, or called "Vegan Mysticism." The Golden Lake continues to expand on these teachings as they

FREE! Donations Accepted :)

Restorative Yoga

Accessible to most--standing or rooted with the back to the ground--there are plenty of gentle opportunities to enter into that happy, body-melting love state we call "the yoga glow." Using Earth energy to release, ground, and be cradled--you'll enjoy a wonderful day and weekend ahead. Check out more details about Restorative Yoga. Join us virtually on Zoom. Contact


Meditation & Breathwork with Special Tator Guest!

Ground, breathe, and meditate. Uplift and be uplifted through the energy of our little collective. Start your day being truly home. Pranayama (breathing) techniques and chanting from yoga to stay focused on your health, wellbeing and center of ease. This session is led by one of our AMAZING community members, Simhini! More details about Meditation

FREE! Donations accepted. :)