Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Arcturian Anthology (ONLINE ONLY)

Practicing meditations and visualizations from The Arcturian Anthology by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It helps to have and be reading the book as we integrate the energetic benefits of accessing and deepening our awareness of sacred geometry and our subtle body. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE virtually on

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Restorative Yoga (ONLINE ONLY)

Accessible to most--standing or rooted with the back to the ground--there are plenty of gentle opportunities to enter into that happy, body-melting love state we call "the yoga glow." Using Earth energy to release, ground, and be cradled--you'll enjoy a wonderful day and weekend ahead. Join us in person or virtually on Zoom. Recording of class also available


Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Arcturian Anthology (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Practicing meditations and visualizations from The Arcturian Anthology by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It helps to have and be reading the book as we integrate the energetic benefits of accessing and deepening our awareness of sacred geometry and our subtle body. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE in person

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Complete Practice (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

This is our practice of the traditional Yoga Inbound asana series. Strengthen with breath, flow, detox, and enjoy being ENERGIZED! Join us in person or virtually on Zoom. Recording of class also available if you are not able to join during class time. Let me know if you’d like the video and I’ll send it

Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Arcturian Anthology (ONLINE ONLY)

Practicing meditations and visualizations from The Arcturian Anthology by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It helps to have and be reading the book as we integrate the energetic benefits of accessing and deepening our awareness of sacred geometry and our subtle body. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE virtually on

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Arcturian Anthology (ONLINE ONLY)

Practicing meditations and visualizations from The Arcturian Anthology by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It helps to have and be reading the book as we integrate the energetic benefits of accessing and deepening our awareness of sacred geometry and our subtle body. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE virtually on

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Asana Practice (ONLINE ONLY)

Traditional breath, postures and intentions designed to honor the perfect balance of yin & yang, or “sthira sukham asanam” – resolutely abiding in good space. The practice is strengthening, aligned, and with a good dose of surrender to the majesty of the body, mind & Spirit! Join us virtually on Zoom. Recording of class also


Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Arcturian Anthology (ONLINE ONLY)

Practicing meditations and visualizations from The Arcturian Anthology by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It helps to have and be reading the book as we integrate the energetic benefits of accessing and deepening our awareness of sacred geometry and our subtle body. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE virtually on

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Meditation & Breathwork Book Study: The Arcturian Anthology (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Practicing meditations and visualizations from The Arcturian Anthology by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. It helps to have and be reading the book as we integrate the energetic benefits of accessing and deepening our awareness of sacred geometry and our subtle body. Interspersed with pranayama (breathing) techniques from yoga. Join us for FREE in person

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

New Moon Practice in the Park! (ONLINE AVAILABLE)

Main Street Nature Park, Weaverville 25 US-19 BUS, Weaverville, NC, United States

We will lavish in the self-care aspects of restorative yoga, the New Moon, close proximity to Mama Earth, and Leo's self-assuring, playful nature! What a combo!! A mix of styles--Restorative Yoga and Light Alignment. This class will meet in the park pending good weather. Virtual class with limited visuals should also be available on Zoom.


Meditation & Breathwork: Triple Conjunction! (ONLINE ONLY)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Tuning into the astrological offerings of the alignment of three celestial bodies and aspect: Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. This is a once-in-a-lifetime alignment that is giving us superpowers to move forward in quantum leaps--personally and for the collective! Join us for FREE on Zoom. Recording of the meditation is also available

FREE! Donations accepted. :)

Triple Conjunction Practice! (ONLINE ONLY)

Hubbub Haven 36 S College St, Weaverville, NC, United States

Tuning into the astrological offerings of the alignment of three celestial bodies and aspect: Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus. This is a once-in-a-lifetime alignment that is giving us superpowers to move forward in quantum leaps--personally and for the collective! A mix of styles--Asana Practice and Light Alignment. Class available virtually on Zoom.
