Watch out, World!

here comes a more expanded, 
deeper feeling, 
supernaturally sensitive 
& balanced YOU!


February 8, 2025
12 - 5pm


Samasati Sanctuary, 
1700 New Stock Rd, 
Weaverville, NC


LY & EHH members: 
20% off!

What is Soul Retrieval?

This is a shamanic practice of journeying for another. This happens in an altered state of consciousness created by a live drum beat.

In the Core Shamanism tradition, every experienced trauma that was not acknowledged, processed, or released "hides" in another realm or dimension. Over time, we fracture and separate from the Wholeness of Who We Are. 

We leak energy; we become afraid and untrusting. 

Soul retrieval is especially profound because we are journeying for another and welcoming these parts home. We need another to witness aspects of the subconscious that - by its very design - we can't access alone.

In this Playshop, you'll be invited to perform soul retrieval for another, and in exchange,
they will bring the parts of you that are ready to return back to a fuller, more embodied YOU.

This Playshop operates on the premise
that we are all equally able to hold space for each other.
If you already have soul retrieval experience or training,
or none at all,
you are welcome and will be paired Divinely!

Why Portals?

Are you intrigued by the evolution of consciousness?

Are you already experiencing distortions in time?

It stretches and expands, and years begin to feel like days? Perhaps a feeling of familiarity in others or places, like déjà vu

If so, your consciousness is probably already integrating at expanded dimensions, frequencies and/or brain waves. We could call it the 5D, or give it more flair as "The Plane of the Portals."

Here, time doesn't behave linearly, but rather multidimensionally

Portals are gateways to other times and places, and in these altered states of consciousness, our heart knows exactly how to guide the mind.  

Using breathwork to create and harness LifeForce energy, we will create portals as a community to focus on specific aspects of our future embodiment (such as Love, Service)... and it will be our Future Self that pulls us through! 

This is a leading edge and powerful practice of integrating more of our own energy
and allowing that to guide our lives.
Often, as we step through the portal and merge with our Future Self, we embody even more of ourselves than the linear mind
can comprehend possible!   

💥 🧡 💥 🧡 💥

Ground it into 
Mama Earth.

The stones...are ALIIIVVE!
and here to help.

Naturally Sensitive

We'll also be working with minerals from Mama Earth, connecting to her Magic as we weave ours together - threading our drive, gratitude, passion, & reverence for
the Web of Life thoroughly into hers.

There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, 'Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!'

-Lewis Carrol,
Alice Through the Looking Glass

Things to Look Forward to

  • Grouded more in Self. You being YOU!
  • TONS more energy!
  • Doing it differently. More CrEaTiViTy!
  • Compassion for Self & others
  • Sensing windows of opportunity & collaboration
  • COURAGE & curiosity to move through. And to Be.

Meet Your Intrepid Hostess

Randi Janelle has been surfing multidimensionality for a decade, after beginning to channel and shamanic journey. 

She hosts EarthHeart Healing, and online community, as well as in-person events regularly in Asheville, NC.  

More offerings and play opportunities at

Claim the Spot that is YOURS

Even though we are stretching our minds into new spaces, this Playshop! gathers in the third dimension and requires your commitment to reserve your place in it!

Questions? Concerns? Celebrations?

Contact Randi at and she'll get back to ya!

© 2025 Randi Janelle