What is Soul Retrieval?
This is a shamanic practice of journeying for another. This happens in an altered state of consciousness created by a live drum beat.
In the Core Shamanism tradition, every experienced trauma that was not acknowledged, processed, or released "hides" in another realm or dimension. Over time, we fracture and separate from the Wholeness of Who We Are.
We leak energy; we become afraid and untrusting.
Soul retrieval is especially profound because we are journeying for another and welcoming these parts home. We need another to witness aspects of the subconscious that - by its very design - we can't access alone.
In this Playshop, you'll be invited to perform soul retrieval for another, and in exchange,
they will bring the parts of you that are ready to return back to a fuller, more embodied YOU.
This Playshop operates on the premise
that we are all equally able to hold space for each other.
If you already have soul retrieval experience or training,
or none at all,
you are welcome and will be paired Divinely!